The framework conditions for the quality of our products and services are set by our customers, by the legal requirement and increasingly by the media.
We wow our customers with our consistently high quality level, our highly qualified employees and our innovative ideas. Always close to the market and the customer, we can respond rapidly to changes and adapt our products to the customers’ wishes. This flexible approach has always allowed us to achieve our major goals: high customer satisfaction and long-term customer loyalty.
All our development, production, storage and waste disposal processes are subject to our specific quality and safety standards. We benefit from the expertise and wealth of experience of our suppliers and service providers. In return, we offer long-term, close and highly cooperative partner relationships.
Our employees, suppliers and service providers have a very direct impact on our product quality. Through their commitment and motivation, our employees contribute to the continuous improvement of our business processes. We invest in our employees. By developing and training them continuously we communicate an awareness for quality and product safety and make sure that we as a team never lose sight of our sophisticated goals.
Health protection and occupational safety is extremely important at Lenhart. We expect our employees to act and behave correctly and to actively participate in improving our occupational safety and accident prevention processes.
One of the basic conditions to our development and the maintenance of our competitive edge is the investment in new technologies, plants and buildings. Very important in this respect are energy recovery and efficiency. We protect our environment by avoiding waste as much as possible. Our sustainable strategies help us add social and economic value.
We safeguard our competitive edge by continuously improving the quality of our products, processes and production technologies. Continuous productivity optimization and cost reduction secure our business success.
Our quality policy meets all standards set forth in ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015 and IFS-HPC Version 2.